Sunday was a beautiful day, I was up early doing last minute food prep and I had the kiddos running in every direction getting things packed into vehicles for transport to our machine shop where the party was going to be held. TGC was dressed, make-up on, hair done, ready to go (a minor miracle in itself), the Big Cheese was in the shower, and G2 headed out with his truck which was loaded up. And then it happened. Rounding the first corner, a box sitting on his seat started to tip over. G2 reached over to upright it and looked up just in time to see the utility pole.
G2's face hit the steering wheel and the inside of his mouth was ripped open. I took him to the emergency room, where we had to wait for an ENT to come and evaluate the situation. 3 hours and 23 stiches later we finally were able to leave the hospital and head to the party, which had started without us.
I believe that was God tapping me on the shoulder and reminding me that perfect parties aren't all that important. Thanks to my "angels" - G2's girlfriend and her mom, my 6 sisters-in-law, my mother-in-law and a good family friend - the party went off without a hitch. They just all pitched in and kept things going. I love those women!
More on the party next time.
Whew! It is so easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of the moment, and forget the big picture! So glad your son is ok, and everyone pitched in to help. Don't you just love country folk? I'm sure it happens in the big town too, but it's so impressive when we, who are scattered out around the farms and countryside can be there for a friend in a "New York Minute"!