
Friday, October 15, 2010

It Shouldn't Have Happened - But It Did

The Three G's - Summer 2007

He never just came into a room.  He made an entrance.  He was his Dad's dimples and his Mom's dark brown eyes.  He was the apple of both of his Grandmother's eyes.  His dad was "Pops" and I was "Ellen".  After a couple of false starts he had decided that he wanted to be a dairy farmer, just like the four generations before him.  He had a girl that he loved and was going to marry.  He had finally pulled it all together and was looking forward to a fine future.

On October 15, 2008 he and another farm hand were getting a piece of farm equipment ready to store for the winter.  It was a chopper box, for those of you in the know about these things.  He was inside the box greasing.  It happened in an instant, and he was gone.  What I remember most about that day were the looks on the faces of every fireman and EMT who were on the scene.  He was a friend to all of those guys.  Although they are well trained for these kind of events, they still never expect it to happen to a buddy.

In the two years since we have tried to look for anything positive that has come out of our sadness.  Many a farmer has told us that they are more aware when working on equipment.  We hope they never forget.  Our nephew recently got a degree in industrial safety and works in that field.  He is, we believe, more passionate about his work now. We hope others will be positively effected by that passion.

We keep going, one day at a time.  He is always in our thoughts and in our hearts.  We love that boy!

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