
Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh sure, they look all innocent now....

...but they weren't so innocent last night when they were cavorting out on the highway!  A friend of our's brother was heading home from his 2nd shift job when he spotted these very cows out on the road in front of our farm.  This was 1:00am!  He woke us up and together he, hubby, and I managed to herd them back where they belonged.  After 1/2 hour or so of scouting up and down the road looking for stragglers it finally occured to us that we should probably just print off a list of cows that belonged in the group and check the animals against the list.  (Remember, this was 1:00 AM and we weren't at our brightest.)  Another 15 minutes spent checking off the list - everybody accounted for - and I headed back to bed.  Nice quiet country living - humpf! 


  1. You need to tell those ladies to behave themselves ;)

  2. I always dreaded the phrase "the cows are out." glad you got yours all back in!

  3. So been there done that. When yo have a few minutes read the story about rounding up the cows I put in LONG WALKS/TALKS. It's everything but the Keystone Cops! Glad you found them all!
