
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Love/Hate Relationship With Weight Watchers

Now before all of the Weight Watchers corporate types get all huffy let me just say that the reason I love (get that? L-O-V-E!) Weight Watchers is that it really works.  Yes sir-ee Bob, if you follow the plan it really does work.  I originally joined Weight Watchers on-line (there isn't a live meeting that is convenient for me in my little corner of America's Dairyland) about 5 years ago.  I was very diligent and lost about 35 pounds, which brought me to my goal weight.  Now comes the thing I hate about Weight order for it to work you gotta follow the plan!

Since that original success I have gained (and lost) those same 35 pounds 3 times. Yes, 3 (1-2-3) times!  Yikes.  And yes, I know, I know, that yo-yo business is not good for a person.   The thing is, every time I've lost the weight I get a little smug and lazy and think that I don't need to keep track of everything I eat.  I start to believe that I can keep the weight off just by "thinking" about what I eat.  And then I start to think that one little candy bar, plus one little smidgen of brownie, plus one little bag of popcorn, plus one little handful of Fritos, plus one get the idea...won't hurt.  And pretty soon I'm having all of those extra little handfuls every single evening and then BOOM, there I am, back up 30 pounds and not able to fit into any of my pants.

So here I am, back at the begining.  I've gone back on the plan and am within 10 pounds of my goal.  BUT, once again I'm getting a little bit smug and haven't been as diligent about recording what I've eaten as I should.  I'm vowing to get better.  I'm vowing to not put on all of those extra pounds again.  I'm vowing to stick with the plan!

(There are no "show and tell" pictures to accompany this entry because that's just too embarrasing!)


  1. Sooooo with you! I lost 60 pounds last year, and got a bit tired of it all this fall. Ten pounds have found their way back, so I am trying to stop the leak NOW! Maybe we can keep each other a bit accountable! That being said, I have two little girl birthday parties to bake for plus Thanksgiving! UGH! I did it last year; I just need to find that will=power that seems to be MIA.

  2. I have lost 10 pounds this fall on weight watchers, but I am starving! And I might have to shut the starving up with french fries!
